Oh boy! Our son’s Biology class recently made it back from an epic five-day long trip! The trip included hiking, lots of eating, lots of cooking, a great waterfall, and a Mulberry River float trip that won’t soon be forgotten! There was cold, there was rain, but also, a lot of fun!

Before we set off down the river, (which by the way, had way more (big!!) rapids than the normal Buffalo or Illinois River float trips), Mr. Grant gave us a short, but very informative class on river safety. He went over what to do if you were a swimmer (fell out of the boat), and what to do if you were a crew member (still in the boat). And then he said something good. “NEVER, EVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, TAKE OFF YOUR LIFEJACKET! FOR IT IS LITERALLY…WELL…YOUR LIFE!”

While we were there, Tom had a minute to look at Facebook. He said something must have happened at home…a bad accident, or something. A quick investigation on Facebook revealed a terrible car accident involving a family who many in our family and community know well. Their church passenger van had been struck head on and a wife/Mom and sweet kids had been killed. Many others were injured. Awful! Hard to wrap your head around that!

A look at this precious lady’s Facebook quickly told me she was a Christian. She was a believer. And she wore Jesus as her lifejacket. She had not taken Him off even to the end.

My friends, life is not promised. It is not guaranteed! Tomorrow may not
come. So NEVER, EVER TAKE YOUR LIFE JACKET OFF! Jesus gives us physical life and most importantly He gives us life eternal. Don’t take Him off! Don’t take Him off under any circumstance! For He is quite literally our life!

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