I’ve got 99 problems, but sleeping all night isn’t one of them. I’ve been awake for hours. Feeling these tightenings in my belly come and go. Some make me squirm into a different position, but some make me want to hold by breath. The older women tell me to breathe through these pains — they say it is normal. They say it’s nature getting my body ready to have this baby. So I lay here and try to breathe and my thoughts go wild.
Pack. I must pack today. I cannot believe we have to go do this census thing. There couldn’t be a more inconvenient time. Bethlehem or bust!
Bethlehem. The city of bread. Oh man! I need to bake bread today for the trip.
The trip. The trip will be fine! Right? We will find a nice inn to stay in and I’m sure there will be a stable for the donkey.
Donkey. I have to ride on a donkey? This isn’t going to work. My belly is huge.
Oww! That was a big kick little Jesus.
Jesus. The angel told me to name you Jesus. I don’t even understand how you are growing in my belly. It’s a miracle. I’m having a son! A son! My son? Or the Son of God? I would think maybe this has been a dream, but my belly and your kicks tell me a different story!
Story. What a story this will be! In a hundred years they will probably still be talking about it.
Oh, yes! These tightenings have stopped! Ohhhh. I can breath! I think I’ll just close my eyes for a few minutes before the sun comes up. Now what do I have to do today?