Sometimes it was a fender. At times a kick stand. A more comfortable seat. Keeping bikes tuned for four boys was somewhat expensive if not for Wes O’Brien’s wholesome bike shop.
Wes took the needy boy to his parts department. Pick out the one you want. Don’t worry about the price. It will be your birthday gift. You do have a birthday coming up don’t you? Well, there will be no charge for a birthday gift.
My boys knew a few church members who could be a pain in the neck. They may have heard their father grumbling about them, but Wes’ kindness far outweighed the foibles of a few complainers.
The oldest boy eyed a brand new Raleigh in Wes’ store front. A few weeks later he was riding that Raleigh – gratis. I often wondered if Wes’ generosity had anything to do with that boy’s decision to train for the gospel ministry. I think so.