What a surprise! I walked into the music department of Barnes & Noble. I was met by a whole wall of vinyl records and a turntable.
In December of 1955 I bought a portable phonograph. By the time I paid for it I had just enough money to buy one record — Tchaikovsky’s 6th Symphony, the Pathetique. I played it over and over as I studied my Greek.
A few years later a friend chided me for keeping my antique phonograph. He took me to a High Fidelity show in downtown Pittsburgh. I felt like I was seated in the best concert hall. You guessed it! I saved my pennies until I had a Hi-Fi in my living room.
Planned obsolesce did a job on me. Years later I had a CD player with big speakers crowding my living room.
Now I hear that CD technology may be a thing of the past. On the verge of disappearing. I read good old Paul the apostle. I have learned to be content with what I have. Godliness is a means of great gain when accompanied by contentment.
Ouch! That is difficult advice! Especially for a music lover.