Maddie’s Challenge: To Be Like Him!

Don’t let others try and define your future for you. The world is full of those who think the worst of people. Don’t be like them. Don’t allow the nitpickers to destroy your hopes for success.

God called us to be like Him. He called us to beat the odds – to overcome both the simple and complex barriers we face in this life. Why beat each other down? How come we don’t try and see the best in people instead of tearing them down? This is a commonly asked question and yet still we fail to accept it. Because we live in a sinful world, we are attacked and tempted daily. We are sinners, immersed in sin. It’s easy to fall short of the Glory of God, so why criticize a brother when he falls short? Instead, we should help him out of the wrong he was in, clean him up, and be an example that leads him back into the Light.

When I write about beating the odds, I mean it seriously. HAVE FAITH IN YOURSELF. Don’t sell yourself short. I once read a book about how those considered misfits and underdogs can overcome the battle they face against giants. A perfect biblical example is David and Goliath, which just so happens to be the name of the book. It’s easy to find fault in ourselves and in each other, but we need to remember that while Jesus was spotless here on earth, He chose to see the best in the worst of people. We should do the same. Our attitudes towards one other have the power to make or break lives. We can motivate or we can hinder. We were given a voice for a reason…and it is to uplift people, motivating them to be the best version of their self.

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