Babies Aren’t Supposed to Die

Babies aren’t supposed to die. But they do. They die in third world countries every day. And they die in the United States every day. But as a labor nurse in Northwest Arkansas, babies are really
not supposed to die. But they do.

A co-worker shared a story about a baby that died. Tragic! The worst! A truly heartbreaking situation. She also shared this. She had gotten to work early that shift and she sat in her car and prayed. She prayed for her co-workers, prayed for Mom’s safe deliveries, prayed for healthy babies.

She wrestled then and she wrestles now with that! Does God listen? Did He hear? What’s the point? Was He there or not?

Big thoughts. Big questions.

I love the story of Martha. She was actually friends with Jesus. Once she asked Jesus a question of her heart. She was upset and tired and super ticked at her sister. And she asked this of Jesus, “Don’t you
care?” Do you or do you not care about me? Do you see what is going on? Jesus answered gently and Martha heard it.

Fast forward a few years and Martha’s brother is sick and dying. She sends word to Jesus to come quick, but Jesus does not. He does not come quick. Her brother dies and he is buried. Martha is mourning. When Jesus gets there Martha gives him a statement of her heart this time. “If you’d been here, he wouldn’t have died. BUT, even now you can fix this.”

Somewhere along the way in those stories, Martha made this man Jesus her firm foundation. She had a question? She asked. She had some feelings, she let Him hear about it! But oh, the lesson! He can still fix it. Fix it now. Fix it later. He’s able. He’s more than able.

So yeah! Babies aren’t supposed to die. And neither are brothers. And we can have some feelings about that! I definitely do not have the answers and neither did Martha. But her example and her words, comfort me and encourage me.

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